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To Teach Well

Originally published in 2013 at

There is a wealth of biblical learning resources online taught by some of the most skilled teachers. As a Pastor it can be intimidating to know that each week my message can be compared to more talented and better resourced teachers. As I have worked to sharpen my teaching skills, I have learned to live within my God given capabilities and only compare to God’s word itself.  Here are a few of my take aways about effectiveness in teaching scripture.


1.    Be Biblical- God’s word is living and active. We preach it to see lives changed. Whether verse by verse or verse with verse the bible should be the focus. Using solid biblical hermeneutics by studying the literal, historical and grammatical context of the passage will prepare you well.


2.    Know your crowd- The audience you speak to is unique. The apostle Paul wrote his letters to a specific group with their strengths and weaknesses. He shared universal truths of God but applied to their context. Shepherd the local body God has called to you by knowing your sheep and how to help them grow deep into their faith.


Ø  Remember that most Americans read on an 8th grade level whether you like or not.

Ø  Pray for your people and the cultural pressures they face.

Ø  You may have a specific learning style but try teaching to impact the learning styles of your audience.


3.    Explain it simply- The preacher should know the passage so well that they can explain in a simple manner. I heard it said, “Put the cookies on every shelf so that everyone can reach them.” Jesus was a perfect example of this as he rebuffed the complexity of the religious establishment and spoke plainly to the masses.


Ø  Avoid taking people on a biblical scavenger hunt, so use supporting passages wisely while focusing on the central text.

Ø  Avoid insider language. Christianese is ok with only insiders, but growing churches will have the unchurched who need plain speaking teachers.


4.    Paint a picture- Teaching and preaching the word is in some ways an art form. It involves showing the learner what the truth you are teaching looks like. The bible is meant to be understood and applied. Ineffective teaching is limited to informing while effective teaching transforms.


Ø  Use effective illustrations to highlight the main points and not distract from them.

Ø  Use personal stories/testimonies to drive home the truth.  Hearing from the satisfied customer can be an impactful way to show the power of God’s truth.


5.    Manage the clock- For many speakers, the clock is their enemy but when managed well the clock is a friendly boundary that benefits the speaker. Studies show that very few speakers can hold a crowd past 20 minutes. Knowing how to keep a crowd engaged is important but knowing when to land the plane is most important. You will have more information than the time to share it and that’s where the teacher’s presentation skills come into play.


6.    Get out of the way-   There is a distinct difference between speaking in the secular world than preaching in the kingdom of God. We are called to be messengers of divine truth on behalf of a divine being.  We must not be self-promoters or entertainers. Be humble, repentant, and obedient servants of the Gospel desiring nothing more than the power of the Holy Spirit. Do not try to impress people with your knowledge and skill but seek to change them with God’s freedom giving truth.


In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: 2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.    2 Timothy 4:1-4


Rev. Al Rossi  


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