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Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Originally posted June 2015

I’m not big on Christian catch phrases. “Hate the sin but love the sinner” is a perfect example of oversimplifying the complex responsibility that Christians have when relating to the non-believing world. I understand that its an accurate way of describing God’s feelings about a sinful world but its seems to be an overused shallow response when so much is at stake. Years ago I was challenged to learn how to “love well” when dealing with all people. To love someone well was to balance these things called Grace and Truth. Jesus did this perfectly of course. After protecting the woman caught in adultery he said “now go and sin no more”. He had the perfect balance of grace and truth. He never sacrificed either to

accomplish his mission. To those that are angry at what we see happening in our country as we seemingly move further away from God’s truth, you should not be surprised. God does not expect those who are far from him to live by his standards and nor should we. On the other hand a lot is at stake with how Christ followers respond.

Be loving! No one was ever won into God’s kingdom any other way except through love. God’s grace was motivated by his great love for us. There are many lost people living in the confusion of their own choices who desperately need Jesus. Anyone who chooses a life apart from God is “like a sheep without a shepherd” lost and wandering. Isn’t it great when someone is patient enough to give us the correct directions when we are lost. Even though their surroundings are familiar to them they take the time to show you how to navigate what is not familiar to you. When responding to them who oppose Jesus and his word avoid sounding only political or simply angry since the only convicting voice that God uses is his Spirit to draw people to himself and away from their sin.

Be truthful! It can be easy and comfortable to be loving without being truthful. We all want to be liked and telling the truth can work against that. In reality we are most cruel when we don’t share truth. Not sharing truth is like watching someone in the midst of drowning and not throwing them a life-preserver or jumping in to save them. Don’t dance around the truth. The gospel will offend since it is pointing out the need that people have for forgiveness and redemption. As a Christian (and a pastor) I am first committed to Christ and his word. The danger of choosing only parts of the word of God as we speak to difficult social issues can be a subtle path to go down to avoid being rejected or hated. It seems to be exactly what the apostle Paul warned against when he talked about “fine sounding arguments” and deceptive philosophy”. Satan will work hard at watering down God’s word because it is much more effective than an outri

ght obvious lie. Church leaders have a great responsibility to handle truth so that we please God even if no one else is pleased. Jesus’ words “go and sin no more” was a call to repentance from the most loving person that ever walked the earth. To not call each other to repentance is the most unloving thing we can do. My motivation for doing so is not to change a political mind but to see God transform a heart and soul in bondage into one that is free to live their real identity in Christ.

Grace without truth excuses sin and truth without grace becomes judgmental. Ask God to help you be as effective as possible in a world that needs both grace and truth.

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